7 Elegant Habits That Will Change Your Life


7 Elegant Habits That Will Change Your Life

7 Elegant Habits That Will Change Your Life
7 Elegant Habits That Will Change Your Life

My dear elegant ladies,

I wanna tell you those seven elegant habits that actually change your life

And I tell u about these things about my own experience.

I went from having bad habits.

I went to develop elegant habits that actually did impact and changed my life in different ways that i never had expected.

Now i'm going to share these 7 things according to my own experience  with you that you can instantly apply this into your life and see results. let's begin with point number one.

7 Elegant Habits That Will Change Your Life

Think Before You Speak

Point #1

Think Before You Speak

And I actually tell you about this from my own experience, however back in the days,

I never thought before I spoke. I was so bold,being vulgar, being rude, saying inappropriate things,hurting people sometimes because of my attitude.

When we don't think before speak and said alot of bad words what we want,

when we don't take that second to just quickly reply,

what i want to say ?

What consequences will happen if I say this? Is it really necessary?

Usually, people who take two to three seconds to reply looks more intelligent.

So this is also a little advice for you.

 Now lets shift to point  no 2

7 Elegant Habits That Will Change Your Life

Buy Fresh Flowers

Point #2

Buy Fresh Flowers

buy fresh flowers daily basis. Now you might be thinking 

  •  how are fresh flowers getting to pay my bills?
  • How are fresh flower getting to solve my problems?
  • How are fresh flowers going to get me a man? Well, hold your gardeners,

My dear elegant ladies. Because all I'm talking about is that sometimes,some small elegant habits can actually help us a long way.

And why is that?

Flowers are such an honest example for that because fresh flowers is really an energy.  yes exactly . We draw energy from nature.

We draw energy from animals, from plants, that type of thing,things that come from mother earth.

So once we put this sort of energy in our house,it fills us with all types of emotion, feelings, energy, etc,

As an example, what does fresh flowers mean to you?

And if you're allergic, skip this question. So fresh flowers, as an example,can resemble elegance,hight status and luxury to some ladies.

So every time you have fresh flowers in your house, you're going to feel that energy.

You're actually going to feel like it's a  bit luxurious to have elegant flowers or you feel more elegant when you see those flowers.

Alternative might find flowers to be incredibly calming and settle. that's going to give you next level energy.

So if you place these types of energies in your home on a regular basis,

you're going to absorb that,

you're going to be filled with that type of energy and that energy is going to be useful for you. And you can use these fresh flowers as a tool and its also feel you fresh .

7 Elegant Habits That Will Change Your Life

Avoid Dramas

Point #3

Avoid Dramas

take the high road, my dear ladies.

And when I say that, It means, stay out of drama,

Be choosy about your battles and at this point use your intellect like what kind of arguments are really worth it.

  • Is it necessary ?
  • Is it just for pumping my blood ?

So we all have both sides, the one is good or one is bad.its including our human nature thats normal but you need to be very cautious about how you spend that hours and energy.

So at that point ladoes you actually need to think about, like

  • Is that petty drama or that stupid argument really worth my time?
  • Is it really necessary on behalf of me to validate myself, validate my ego?
  • Is it really necessary on behalf of me to mention b simply because she said a, etc.

Elegant ladies, stay out of drama as much as you can. As soon as drama is involved,as soon as a woman just keeps seeking out drama all the time,

she no longer is elegant.

It's look like that she has severe issues with herself, issues that are never resolved.

People who have worked on themselves, people who have confidence,people who are intelligent, they know that it's just not worth it,its not necessary .

Try to take the high road ladies because you are going to raise yourself this way.

In this way you are going to come more refined, more intelligent,more professional, etc.

7 Elegant Habits That Will Change Your Life


Point #4


So ladies run. And when I say run,

I mean not just necessarily running,

You start workout properly at your daily basis

Elegant ladies must do excercises ! They are so heath consious and they don't take unnecessarily any food

I think this is one of the fundamentals in life.

Every single person out there need to do some form of exercise.

But from my very own experience, I even have really noticed how,

  • when you do something that basically  gets your pulse up,
  • It actually causes you to feel far more happy, far more balanced,
  • Mentally well, it reduces anxiety tremendously, and it really helps you conquer any problems or any difficulties that life might offer you.

For this reason,

I do believe it's incredibly necessary to have this habit as part of your routine.

It can be daily. It could be weekly, but as long as you do and do it a few times per week, that should be more than enough.

I think this is a enough to boost your power. And I don't want you to miss this opportunity,especially since it is available for free to everybody.

Everybody can go out anytime and do something.

Ladies you don't even have to go to a gym to do something like this. But ladies,i'm telling you that it is going to change your life.

You're going to feel such a lot mentally pulled together that once you do not have this as a part of your routine.

Now lets begin to point  no 5

7 Elegant Habits That Will Change Your Life

Not Being So Available 

Point #5

Not Being So Available 

Not being so available. And once i say that, I mean,for men, for friends, for work, career,etc. Ladies, do you know that in psychological fact,all humans operate in a way that if there is dearth involved ,

we want it even more. And this is why your time, your presence,your energy should have some form of dearth around it.

So not going to be just easily available for anyone at any time,

because what happens when it is? 

  • Well, people start valuing you less.
  • People start taking more advantage. 
  • People start thinking that"she's not that prime value in any case she's desperate". And this is the thing,

your personal brand can never be a desperate.

Don't let anyone to treat you like doormat.

  • Your personal brand should be exclusive 
  • high value
  • hard to get. 

And when i say hard to get,obviously I'm not saying now you have to be so hard to get with absolutely everybody. No, just add a little sprinkle of it. 

As an example,

Even if you are free,even if you have all the time in the world,it's not healthy to continuously show it.

At this point i gave u a golden advice because surely this is going to change your life.

Be a high value women,don't be available for anyone at any time

 Hope you ladies understand my point..

7 Elegant Habits That Will Change Your Life

Never Pay A Bill On A Date Ladies!

Point #6

Never Pay A Bill On Your Date Ladies

Ladies, you need to stop doing this.

You are on a date with a man and the bill arrives. Stop saying this its on me.

Because ladies if you're on date with real gentleman then you don't need to pay a bill.if you're somebody who wants to go 50/50, then its a huge "No".

 Now i'm talking specifically to my ladies 

who want to draw in a masculine man,a provider man, a generous man.

 If that's is the sort of man you would like,there's no way you ought to be showing signs off that you simply are willing to pay

because what does that behavior tell him? Well,its change his mind to think that 

  • That's normal. 
  • That's appropriate.
  • You are a 50/50 girl and that, yes it's okay.
  • It's okay that she pays even if you don't want to pay. 

Even if you're just giving him a pulling gesture just as a gesture,not because you're actually serious, it's equally bad.

I don't want you to do this. Seriously, stop doing this ladies even if you have money in your bag too or a cradit card 

If you go on a date with a men then its his responsability to pay a bill not yours ladies. Even if he might think all kinds of things about you,

  • Meaning that he might think you're a gold digger,
  • he might think of you as an opportunist,
  •  he might think that you are,who knows what kind of labels society wants to put on us. 

But honestly if he thinks that kind of sorts aoubt you then trust me ladies he is not the man for you.

There's something you have to be understand. 

  • Men who are high caliber,
  • Men who are affluent
  • Men who are generous, providers,masculine, you name it.

They're not getting to think that way because for them it's normal that a lady never pays on a date.

7 Elegant Habits That Will Change Your Life

Being Well Dressed

Point #7

Being well dressed

Dear ladies ,it definitely tells a lot about your personality usually the first impression.honestly speaking ladies i assure you many people just judge you with your appearance 

Nevertheless, I believe that we dress to feel best for ourselves in the first place and before anyone else. If you dessing well  then its boost your self-confidence first and it also apear that you are so choosy about yoyr dressing sense and its good ! So next time be aware what to wear ! And think about it for second these points
  • Is it good enough
  • Is it going for according to occasion for where you wanna go
  • Is it give you a decent or elegant look 
Because ladies ! Apearance is everything 
 I suggest you to go with neutral shades 
  • beige
  • Coffee
  • white
  • Off white
Trust me ladies these colors look really classy and its apear you like a high value women who choosy about their dressing sense.

Hope you ladies like my article !
